Learn more about what we do at
We are a professional services company that provides consulting and solutions for different sectors: Engineering simulation services, with a focus on sheet metal forming simulation. Power solutions for middle-size businesses interested in distributed power using renewable energy and large businesses looking for solutions in the Mexican wholesale electricity market. Process improvement and standardization services.
Business Units
Sheet Metal Forming Simulation
Global Market
Faster to serial production through simulation. Using the power of the internet, we are able to participate in your design projects just as effectively as if we were in your office.
We excel in the realms of engineering simulation, material characterization, and specialized consultancy and training focused on cutting-edge metal forming processes. These transformative techniques harness the power of plastic deformation in metals to seamlessly shape them into diverse forms and geometries. Our expertise encompasses punching, rolling, forging, stamping, deep drawing, die sinking or embossing, bending, extrusion, wire drawing, single-point incremental forming, and thermoforming.
Mercado Mexicano
ENERGIA DISTRIBUIDA UTILIZANDO FUENTES RENOVABLE: Nuestras alianzas estratégicas nos permiten ofrecerte un sistema fotovoltaico llave en mano para tu negocio, bajo el esquema de arrendamiento puro.
Las empresas privadas pueden vender electricidad a Usuarios Calificados en México bajo contratos de suministro, nuestras alianzas estratégicas nos permiten ofrecerle un mejor trato que el que ofrece su proveedor actual, pregunte por la opción de no inversión inicial y obtenga ahorros en costos desde el primer mes.
Calidad: Estandarización y Mejora de Procesos
Mercado Mexicano
Nuestra pasión es ayudarte a obtener la certificación del sistema de gestión de tu empresa mediante la definición y mejora de procesos a través del uso de herramientas y metodologías Lean Six Sigma.
Te lo explicamos en español.